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The birthplace of a star is called a nebula. It is a vast cloud in space composed of hydrogen and cosmic dust, which is the remains of a dead star.
Read MoreEven though there are nearly a million and a half identified asteroids, it is doubtful that most people can name even one.
Read MoreMars, also called ‘The Red Planet’ due to the iron oxide dust coating its surface, is one of the most well-known planets in our galaxy.
Read MoreComposed of 281 stars, Centaurus is the constellation with the most stars visible from Earth without the use of a telescope.
Read MoreEvery 29.5 days, the moon completes its lunar phase cycle. This means that in the time frame of less than a month, it wanes to nothing, then waxes to full again.
Read MoreIn our solar system, Earth is the only planet capable of supporting life. However, someday, that could change.
Read MoreEarth is the only known planet capable of sustaining life. It has three oceans, seven continents, fifty seas, one hundred ninety-five countries, fifty-eight million square miles of land, and a population of just over eight billion.
Read MoreWere you able to see the eclipse this week? If so, it was pretty spectacular! A once in a lifetime experience for many people.
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