When We Say We Specialize…

“There is a great new bakery in town that I want to take you to,” Patty told her friend Connie. “I went there last week and they had the most amazing bagels and bear claws!”

“Bear claws? Don’t those usually have nuts in them?” Connie asked. “You know that I’m allergic.”
“Of course I remember,” insisted Patty. “But they have lots of things without nuts.”
“What about the bakery we went to last time? The one that specializes in allergy-friendly pastries?” Connie suggested.
Patty sighed. “We always go there. Don’t you think you could find something at the new place?”

Connie thought for a moment. “All right, let’s give it a try.”
When they got to the bakery, Connie carefully checked the menu and selected a simple blueberry muffin. After the first couple of bites her tongue started to feel fuzzy and her throat began to tighten.
She hurried up to the man behind the counter and asked, “Was my blueberry muffin made with nuts?”
“No,” the man replied.
“Are you absolutely sure?” she pressed.

“There were no nuts in the muffin batter, but sometimes we don’t clean the mixer in between different flavored batches. Your muffin could also have been baked in the oven with something containing nuts. So it is possible that it got contaminated.”
“I’m so sorry,” Patty apologized as Connie got out her EpiPen. “You were right, we should have gone to the specialized bakery!”
Our Sole Focus

This account highlights what it means to specialize. When a company has its hand in a lot of different industries, things can get mixed up. Cross-contamination occurs when people who are not experts try to help out on projects they aren’t familiar with. This can result in confusion and loss of time. It is also much harder to remain up-to-date on practices, procedures, and the latest industry news with such divided attention.
We live in a “more is better” world, but at Commercial Finance Consultants we do not agree with this philosophy. Our company has always been dedicated solely to recruiting for the Factoring and Asset Based Lending industry. When we say we “specialize”, we mean it is our only focus. All of our attention, energy, and zeal is wholly centered on passionately serve our tight-knit community.