They say lightning never strikes the same place twice, but at Lake Maracaibo lightning can strike over 40 times in one minute. The storms that cause this phenomenon can last up to nine hours and occur around 150 nights out of the year. Situated at the mouth of the Catatumbo River, Lake Maracaibo is located near the coast of Venezuela. Catatumbo literally means “House of Thunder”, and I can’t think of a more appropriate name.

While many scientists have studied the storms and presented possible explanations, none have been proven. Some researchers speculate that the storms, and subsequent lightning, are caused by currents of cold and warm air meeting. Others have suggested it is due to the presence of methane gas or uranium.

Whatever is causing the phenomenon, it has been going on for a long time and shows no signs of stopping. While this incredible display would be really cool to watch, most of the time repetitiveness is less than enjoyable. This is especially true when job hunting. Sending resumes into a seemingly endless void and applying online without ever hearing back can be extremely discouraging.

That’s where CFC can help! As recruiters, we can provide personal introductions to the best company for qualified candidates. No more spamming your resume or online applications. Call us today to start a dialogue about taking the next step to advance your career!