Over 20,000 miles above the Earth’s surface, hundreds of satellites can be found orbiting our planet. Using transponders, they are able to send messages via radio frequencies, providing us with many of the modern comforts we enjoy today.

One of the best ways to describe the function of a satellite is to compare it to a bridge. Signals are sent to them and they direct the message, allowing it to cross over to its intended destination. With this method, they connect the globe with phone calls, text messages, and emails.

Without satellites, we would have to send information the old-fashioned way, which would take longer and be less reliable. Modern processes have added an amazing level of speed and efficiency to our lives. At Commercial Finance Consultants, we have spent the last twenty years doing the same with recruiting.

Instead of looking at hundreds of job postings and sending out dozens of resumes, we narrow in on your special skill set and match you with a company and role where you will be able to find success. We provide interview coaching, make introductions, and guide you through the whole process from start to finish.

If you’re ready to move forward in your career, then give us a call today!