Mars, also called ‘The Red Planet’ due to the iron oxide dust coating its surface, is one of the most well-known planets in our galaxy. Aside from Mercury, it is the closest planet to Earth and is easily visible in the nighttime sky.

Reasons for its notoriety include its distinguished color, its prominence in science fiction, and the fact that it is the most likely planet, other than ours, to be able to support life. While humans currently couldn’t survive on Mars, with terraforming, it might be possible.

Thus far, no human has ever set foot on Mars. However, several organizations are preparing to make that dream a reality within the next two decades. Once there, they will be able to study the planet and determine if terraforming is even possible.

What’s really amazing is how many advancements scientists and engineers have made to accomplish this feat. It’s been just over fifty years since the first man set foot on the moon and barely more than a hundred since the Wright Brothers made the first flight in human history. Now, we are preparing for a mission to another planet!

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