While Earth is the planet everyone is most familiar with, there are currently well over five thousand known planets. Eight of these (or seven depending on who you talk to) are right here in our own solar system. In order from our sun, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Each of these planets has a long list of characteristics that make it unique, ranging from size and rings to color and molecular composition. No two have the same orbit or day cycle even though a few are close. Separated by tens of thousands of miles, the only way to move between them is with interstellar travel, a trip no human has yet made.

Planets are like companies. Each is its own entity with its own rhythm and climate. Some move quickly, others more slowly, some are warm and cheerful, others are cold and isolated. However, instead of using a spaceship, the best way to get from one company to another is with the help of a recruiting agency.

Commercial Finance Consultants is the longest-standing and most successful recruiting agency in the ABL and Factoring niche of financial lending. If you’re ready to explore new options and make your world better, then give us a call today!