The definition of culture is: Predominating attitudes and behaviors that characterize the functioning of a group or organization. 1. Gossip This is hands down the fast way to destroy a good company culture. Once employees start spreading rumors behind other people’s backs, the office quickly becomes a war zone. Battle lines are drawn, and nothing…

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1. They feel a lack of trust and/or respect

Trust is a delicate thing, once broken, it is nearly impossible to mend. Respect is important too, not just for the employee to feel respected, but for them to respect the organization they are a part of.

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For the Factoring and Asset Based Lending Industry I would love to present you with a special and magical formula that could guarantee every person you hired would be wildly successful and extremely productive, instead of costing you money. The truth is Ponce De Leon had a better chance of finding the ‘Fountain of Youth’…

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