Ever since ancient times, people have reported spotting strange things in the sky above that did not originate on Earth. Some report seeing ships or armies in the heavens, others, rays of light, and, of course, there’s also the traditional saucer-shaped object we often associate with aliens.

This phenomenon has a variety of possible explanations from asteroids and weather balloons to hallucinations and over-active imaginations. There are other possibilities too, ones that we find less plausible, such as extraterrestrials. While most scoff at this, there will always be a handful of believers.

Despite the different answers available, the truth is, we will probably never know the real source of the mystery. And, with roughly 2,000 sightings this year already, the trend isn’t about to stop. While some find the enigma exciting, others find it frightening.

Xenophobia, the fear of the unknown, is quite common and linked to many of the anxieties we face every day. It is what makes us scared of the dark, uncertain about people we don’t know, and why we struggle with change.

While this is a natural survival instinct, it can also make you miss out on good things. You can only see the stars when it’s dark out, a stranger could turn into your best friend, and a major change, like finding a new job, could make your life far better.

If xenophobia has been holding you back from taking the next step in your career, then reach out to us! CFC is the leading expert in job placement and recruiting in the Factoring and Asset Based Lending community. With us, the process is straightforward and always confidential. Give us a call today and get a clear sight of your future!