Composed of 281 stars, Centaurus is the constellation with the most stars visible from Earth without the use of a telescope. It is also one of the brightest constellations in the southern celestial hemisphere where it is nestled among Libra, Hydra, Antlia, and Carina. Also close by is Crux, often called The Southern Cross, which is the smallest constellation made up of only 5 stars.

No matter the size, a constellation is only a constellation because all of its stars are in the correct place to create an image. Centaurus is a centaur, Taurus is a bull, and Aquarius is a water bearer. These are all things our ancestors looked up and saw glittering in the nighttime sky. If the stars had been arranged differently, they might have seen other images or nothing at all. It is only because each star was shining in the correct place that we have the constellations we know today.

Companies are the same way. It doesn’t matter if the organization is big or small, in order to thrive, all of the individuals must come together to create the big picture. Comradery and excellent communication paired with good leadership and a healthy company culture are the makings of a successful team.

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