Ever since 1988, satellites have been detecting radio signals from outer space, which could be coming from as far away as 15,000 light years. Despite having no idea where these signals originate, scientists report receiving them nearly every twenty minutes.

While some speculate aliens, others believe they are the result of solar flares from supernovas or the result of neutron stars, which are surrounded by extremely powerful magnetic fields. Unfortunately, due to the quality and random nature of the signals, scientists are yet to be successful in decoding one.

At Commercial Finance Consultants, we always want our signal to be clear, so here are some FAQs about CFC:

Who are we? We are recruiters and consultants solely focused on the Factoring and ABL niche of the financial lending market. Over the past two decades, we have honed our expertise and built a vast network of contacts.

What do we do? One of the best descriptions of the services we provide is that of matchmaker. Every year, CFC makes dozens of introductions between candidates and hiring authorities, helping individuals advance their careers while companies strengthen their teams.

How can we help you? We are equipped to serve and would love to discuss any needs that you or your company have. Whether you are looking to take the next step in your career or are interested in building your team, give us a call! It would be our pleasure to get to know you and learn about the goals you are working toward this year, so we can help you meet every challenge with confidence!