Jelly doughnuts, sandwiches, Oreos. Yum!

These are just a few examples of foods comprised of two or more separate elements. They are wonderful and delicious so long as the ratio of the two components is properly balanced. However, having too much jelly leads to a gooey mess, too much bread lacks flavor, and if there’s not enough cream, then you’re just eating hard cookies.

In fact, nearly everything we like to eat has a good balance of flavors, such as salty and sweet or hot and spicy. Too much of a single flavor makes a dish boring, while a variety can build upon and complement each other.

The point is: Balance Matters

This isn’t just true when it comes to what we eat. When we think about our lives, there are two major components that take up our waking hours. These are our jobs and our personal lives. Traditionally, this is called the work/life balance. In the same way that too much of one flavor can upset the ratio in food, too much or too little work could be problematic. Our jobs allow us to provide for ourselves, our family, and our future, but that doesn’t mean they should be the most important thing in our lives.

While everyone should be diligent and hard-working on company time, when employees are with their families, they should not be fielding phone calls and checking emails. There is, of course, the rare exception, but these should be few and far between.

Some companies understand this very well and are careful to respect the free time of their employees. Others, not so much. An organization that demands more than their fair share of their employees’ time is not a company that you want to work for. They may give excuses about how they are short-staffed and it’s just temporary, but the truth is, if they don’t mind crossing the boundaries once, they won’t hesitate to do it again.

If you’ve found that you need a better work/life balance, give us a call. We have contacts in the best companies in the industry and can help you find a place that will meet your needs both in the office and at home. Reach out to us to find out how we can serve you!